On the Road: Eltville, Germany

“Visiting Eltville gave us truly what we were looking for– castles, traditional german styled accents on the houses, beautiful gardens and the feeling of unfamiliarity…

In June through July of 2018, I had the opportunity to venture out to Europe. One of which the places were Eltville, Germany. We initially were visited Frankfurt, Germany which was just shy of an hour of a train ride away and a friend we had made in the city, Jonny, recommended we visit Eltville to visit Germany’s true architecture and castles.

Thank goodness for Jonny because this was truly what we were missing in Frankfurt. Some background in Frankfurt, during World War II, Frankfurt was one of the many headquarters and because of that, was partially bombed. Visiting Frankfurt felt as if I was back in Chicago or some familiar city with sporadic unique buildings. But for the most part, it was very modern and very heavily English-spoken, which made us want to visit a city on the outskirts.

Visiting Eltville gave us truly what we were looking for– castles, traditional german styled accents on the houses, beautiful gardens and the feeling of unfamiliarity. Because we were just wondering around and in awe, we navigated around easily but if you wanted to get from place to place and if you had no wifi and wanted to depend on the individuals around you– that would be nearly impossible. Everyone just spoke German and for the signs as well, but that was the beauty of it and why we loved it.


On the Road: Rome, Italy


On the Road: Seattle, Washington